
Julie August

Julie August is a graphic designer and art curator. She works as a freelancer for publishing houses and architects and organises cultural and social projects, as well as exhibitions. Before moving to Buenos Aires, she lived in Berlin for 15 years. While being art director and chief producer at the publishing house Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, she converted part of her home into a project space for contemporary artists from 2004 to 2014.

The “18m” gallery led Julie to other curatorial projects. She has been directing the women artists’ network “Frauenmuseum Berlin” and is involved with the feminist artists’ forum “Nosotras Proponemos”. She is an active member of th collective “Asamblea Desobediente”, fighting for memory, truth and justice alongside other human rights organisations. With Liliana Furió, she co-organises the monthly “Cinedebate Desobediente”, online discussions about human rights-related films.

Julie studied German literature in Munich and graphic design in Leipzig. In addition to her cultural activities, she sees a profound necessity to participate in social and human rights issues.



2022, 2020-2021, 2019, 2018

Special function

GDL Communicators
Strategic Visionaries


Sustainability and Climate Protection, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Gender Equality






South America, Europe

Further Engagements

Julie contributes greatly to the GDL Graphic Design and was previously active in the Member Charta working group.

She hosted the Lab on Memory in Presence in 2022.


More about Julie August



Stimmen! 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage

An exhibition curated by GDL Member Julie August, gives artists of the Frauenmuseum Berlin a platform to speak out and celebrate 100 years of women suffrage.