A particular focus of Dr Anna Irmisch’s work is net-zero alignment and climate impact measurement of the private financial sector, e.g. via investor engagement, ratings, data usage, and disclosure frameworks. The Fulbright alumna holds a PhD about sustainable investing from Freie Universität Berlin and is currently based in Brussels, Belgium, working for the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).
In the past, Anna used to be a member of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Stewardship Advisory Committee and served the European Climate Foundation as Climate Finance Program Manager. Prior to that, Anna conducted environmental, social and governance (ESG) assessments of listed companies, and led shareholder engagement dialogues with their managers worldwide on behalf of Scandinavian institutional investors, aimed at climate change mitigation and utility sector decarbonization, as well as improving corporate transparency. Her 10+ years of experience also include roles in the global software industry on innovation and in academia on sustainability benchmarks.