

Online GDL prE-Summit, May 10-30, 2020




Global Governance, Sustainability and Climate Protection, Civil Society
Graphic Recording by Susanne Kitlinski
Graphic Recording by Susanne Kitlinski

GDL prE-Summit
June 6 – 9, 2021

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic the GDL 2020 Summit, had to be rescheduled.

With the topics and goals of the Summit – namely finding innovative approaches to global challenges – being highly relevant, GDL members from around the world met online in a virtual prE-Summit from May 10 – 31, 2020. Find out more about the three focal topics in the conept note (PDF, 90 KB).

The Summit Working Group led the GDL community on a journey through a variety of formats: from virtual fishbowl discussions to intimate skill-sessions. You can follow them on the path, retracing their steps, through texts, cartoons and recordings linked below:

Graphic Recording by Susanne Kitlinski
1+1=17? Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals

Strong partnerships are at the heart of sustainable development – this the participants of the virtual fishbowl on partnerships agreed on. Different facets of such partnerships were illuminated in the GDL Talks by Patrick Mpedzisi and Blair Glencorse.

Global Leadership for the 21st century

In light of the many crisises the world faces, how global leaders act is crucial for combining efforts to overcome them. The virtual fishbowl on leadership discussed necessary adaptions and core perspectives. In two GDL TalksNetta Ahituv and Chris Fowler shared their own learnings. Further, practice oriented skill-building sessions focused on how to embrace failure and provided tools.

Graphic Recording by Susanne Kitlinski
Security mission: Global vision

In a virtual fishbowl on security GDL members and experts aimed at understanding todays complex global security threats requring new ways of cooperation. Setting the scene for a high-calibre panel were two GDL Talks by Gabriela Canales and Shakeel Ahmad.

Graphic Recording by Susanne Kitlinski
City Diplomacy and the Future of Multilateralism

Local governments often find themselves at the frontline of global challenges – dealing with Covid-19 or the implications of the climate crisis. The member-initiated session on City Diplomacy discussed what potential arises through this new area of diplomacy for future multilateralism.

Successful and inspiring Labs – then what?

With the aim of taking results of the 2018 and 2019 Labs to the next level, GDL members, partners and hosts discussed what further steps could be taken to ensure sustainable impact of the successful and inspiring Labs.

Three scenarios of global power balance in the post-COVID-19 world in 2030

During the prE-Summit 15 GDL members embarked on a methodical thought experiment: in a five-day Foresight scenario workshop, they developed three possible – and at the same time very different – future scenarios of global power balance in 2030. A later results is this Policy Brief stating opportunities to act in order to counter possible risks.

Taking a real-life trip into the future you can also revisited the other format GDL members organised to stay connected during the pandemic: the GDL rE-Connect.

Bearing these considerations in mind, the GDL is eager to bring the results of the discussion into practice in the course of the forthcoming 2020/21 Labs.

Further Activities

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