The 100 Million Stars
Incubator Lab: May 2021 (online)
Impact Lab: December 2021 (at the EXPO2020 in Dubai)
Given the projected demographic change in the Arab world and Africa and the resulting “youth bulge”, these regions are expected to experience a 100 million youth unemployment challenge in the next ten years.
The 100 Million Stars initiative, was initiated by GDL Member Nihel Chabrak, CEO of the UAEU Science and Innovation Park. It is aimed at transforming the 100 million unemployed young people in the Arab world, Africa and the South Asia region (AWASAR) into 100 million shining stars, thus mitigating the risk of youth radicalisation in these regions. The 100 Million Stars Labs are supported, among others, by the Federal Foreign Office.
Building on the GDL approach, the 100 Million Stars Labs are aimed at:
The targeted role of the team of experts, consisting of GDL members, is to design and lead the labs.